What is Facebook Ads?

Facebook Ads refers to all the sponsored content that is displayed as advertising spots in the feed of the users’ social network.

You must have seen them yourself as you’re scrolling this site: inserted in between the news of your friends, you’ll see a lot of ads, which surprisingly match your tastes and interests. They might even correlate exactly with webpages you’ve visited or products you’ve been looking for information about.

At present, Facebook Ads is considered Google Adwords’ main competitor, as it generates the best return on investment of all the advertising platforms in social networks.

Does Facebook Ads work for my business?

Most probably it does. Facebook Ads can increase the profitability of your brand or product in record time, if campaigns are properly conducted. Its main attraction is the possibility of managing effective campaigns very easily and at a low cost, as it counts on many intuitive alternatives for targeted advertising.

What we recommend in the first place is resorting to the support of consulting experts in this platform. However, you can start by exploring this tool yourself to get an idea of the target audience you might reach.

Which is the difference between Facebook Ads and Google Adwords?

Although Facebook Ads might be regarded as an equivalent to Google Adwords, the latter works virtually all over the internet, and the former is only confined to the users of that social network. As regards statistics, Google almost doubles Facebook on advertising revenues, but taking into consideration the difference in its potential scope, Facebook Ads can achieve considerable popularity and ROI.

The segmentation strategy is very different at both platforms. While Adwords goes for the affinity in searches and keywords, targeting in Facebook Ads is based on el general profile of the user.

Besides, unlike Google, Facebook strongly prioritizes sponsored content, which will have larger scope than organic content. This means that your ads on Google compete against other ads and also against organic content, but your ads on Facebook are competing almost exclusively against other sponsored content.

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Which one is better? Facebook Ads or Google Adwords?

Many people think that Facebook Ads is more profitable, others think that Adwords is and will always be the best alternative.

In this sense, the most accurate answer is that they should be supportive strategies and its effectiveness will depend a lot on the type of target audience: some companies may work better with ads on Facebook than on Google, or the other way around.

What is Facebook Ads Manager?

This is a tool that allows you to create and set up the ads on Facebook. It has got many features, which are basically focused on achieving a more precise, effective, targeted segmentation every day.

As it happens with Adwords, you can also design full campaigns with sets of ad spots. All campaigns have a similar objective, but you can establish different criteria for a smaller set of ads, to help you reach a very specific target and compare the effective performance of each one of your segmentation strategies.

What is Pixel on Facebook?

This is an additional tool of Facebook Ads that helps you do Retargeting (Remarketing). It operates by means of a tracking code embedded to your website, and this is how it keeps a record of the cookies generated by users navigating your page.

Then, after showing some sort of interest (a visit, a sign-up, a purchase) you can reach them again through Facebook ads.

This article may be helpful: Learn the metrics that a freelance social media expert should analyze about your business.

Is ”Promoting post” a feature from Facebook Ads?

No! And it is very important to be careful with this option, particularly if you own a company or a business. When you use the option “promoting post”, you’re actually paying for an increase of the organic reach of a content (quite a contradiction!), but segmentation options are very limited and can definitely not grant a quality target audience, not even within the same universe of your followers.

This option is actually for individual users who need to increase the popularity of their posts or opinions.

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Which are the disadvantages of Facebook Ads?

Due to its great effectiveness, indeed, Facebook Ads is becoming one of the focus points of digital marketing for increasingly more companies, which in turn has led to more demand, more competitors and higher prices.

Even then, Facebook Ads campaigns are considered to bring about more good than harm in expert hands which can do a proper segmentation and make the most of the administrator.

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Learn more about Facebook Ads

Segmentation possibilities of Facebook Ads are so wide that you’ll probably be interested in learning more about it to optimize your advertising campaign on this social network. You can do so with the great quality resources we’ve selected for you:

Do you need help with your Facebook Ads campaigns?

Just as it happens with Google Adwords, Facebook Ads is a huge universe, and at Workana hundreds of expert freelancers are waiting for you to help you make the most of it. You can also find profiles of specialists in both platforms, so you can “kill two birds with one stone”.

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We invite you to know Workana, the leading freelance marketplace. We’ve been working since 2012 to keep connecting companies and entrepreneurs with remote workers of the most diverse specialty areas.

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