What is a Webinar?

The term Webinar is a neologism combining the words “web” and “seminar”. It refers to any content in video format whose main objective is educational and practical.

In other words, a webinar is a video made by a person willing to teach you about their field of expertise. The topic may be virtually anything, though most webinars are included in an inbound content strategy, so they are usually about the following:

  • How to use some software or digital tool
  • Virtues of a given product
  • Online tutoring as substitute classes

Webinars are mostly for free as their main objective is attracting prospects and leads, but it is also frequent to find paid webinars. These are usually held by some well-known figure or else they are part of an online training.

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What are Webinars for?

Webinars have two main uses. The first is related to the world of online education and is used for delivering remote classes while attendants can make questions or interact.

On the other hand, Webinars present a type of content which, like blog articles, infographics or podcasts, serves the purpose of attracting, educating or entertaining their potential clients, according to the marketing strategy.

Webinar is the type of content which generates more engagement on the audience, as their value proposal seems to be more accurate and comprehensive than other classes with free access content. This is due to the fact that they are usually scheduled for a specific time and visitors have to register in order to access.

Obviously, the quality of a Webinar is independent of an appealing format, and depends entirely on the tools and know-how of the instructor.

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How to do a Webinar

Webinars are held through an online program that allows one or many attendants to transmit video or share their screen content to others, live. Usually they can be recorded and saved as videos to upload later to a platform such as YouTube or to a website.

There are many programs offering this service, and although some are paid, it is perfectly possible to hold a quality Webinar only resorting to free options such as Google Hangouts.

Essentially, the basic steps to a good webinar are:

  1. Knowing very well about the topic to be shared.
  2. Planning whether the information will be displayed with slides, virtual boards or just orally.
  3. Deciding if attendants will be allowed to send messages at the moment of the Webinar, to interact or whether they’ll simply be passive audience.
  4. Learning the basic operation of the software we’re going to use for the Webinar.
  5. Generating an invitation code so that attendants can join the video session.

Examples of Webinars

Below you’ll find a Webinar from Hey Jessica! that will help you understand how to host a webinar on YouTube for free:

Next, you’ll find a Webinar from Mobincube to publish app’s in different stores (Appstore,
Googleplay, etc.):

And last, from Sendible, talking about Social CRM, Influencers and Buyer Personas:

Which is the difference between a Tutorial and a Webinar?

The most remarkable feature of a Webinar is the fact that several people can connect simultaneously and the instructor can share resources from the screen and solving the doubts of attendants at the moment of the Webinar.

Webinars can be recorded and edited to become a tutorial later on, but not all tutorials are Webinars.

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Learn more about Webinars

As a tool, Webinars are effective and versatile, so your business will probably find it useful in one way or another, if you include them in your strategy. Learn more in depth about this topic with the updated, quality resources we’ve selected for you:

Do you need help to create a Webinar?

At Workana you’ll find experts who can help you create your Webinar step by step.

From the topic research, presentation structure, graphic design of the resources you’ll use,  video editing to distribute it as content, or you can even hire a freelancer whose image you find suitable for being the instructor of the Webinar.

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What is Workana?

We invite you to know Workana, the leading freelance marketplace. We’ve been working since 2012 to keep connecting companies and entrepreneurs with remote workers of the most diverse specialty areas.

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