What is Google algorithm?

Google algorithm or PageRank is actually a set of math algorithms used by the search engine to determine the relevance of a website on the SERP. In other words, it’s the list of criteria through which Google ranks a website in the search results.

The more a website follows the requirements of an algorithm, the more possibilities it will have to appear among the first search results, and then, to obtain more traffic and more potential clients.

The SEO or search engine optimization is the set of strategies we follow to adapt to that algorithm so that our content gets better ranked.

What is Google algorithm for?

The ultimate mission of PageRank is to facilitate the access to quality information –to help people find what they are looking for, as easy as possible. While many millions of websites are competing for digital traffic, it is necessary to classify them according to their relevance, in terms of the users’ needs.

The criteria for determining this relevance has changed in time, evolving since 1999, when PageRank was licensed. It has turned from quite a basic algorithm to the most sophisticated artificial intelligences.

What are Google algorithm updates for?

The updates help improve the criteria for determining a site’s relevance and avoid the so-called Black Hat SEO, or unethical ranking strategies.

For instance, before the update of Panda algorithm, it was possible to rank a website resorting to the keyword stuffing, that is, stuffing a text with key words.

Before the Penguin update you could resort to artificial links with low or no quality.

Hummingbird facilitated more natural and efficient interpretations of the real intention behind each search, which leads to creating better quality content. Besides, Pigeon has increased quality and safety of local searches.

Finally, Google Owl is an algorithm that was designed to identify subtleties which show some content is low quality, copied, offensive, with fake news, etc.

Besides these major updates, it is estimated that Google algorithms change, even slightly, up to 500 times a year, and most of them without previous notice. This is what makes SEO such a complex field.

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To learn more about Google algorithm

As you can see, knowing the Google algorithm and keeping updated on its changes is the basis for a good SEO, key to any digital marketing strategy. In order to learn more about this, we have selected a set of high quality web resources:

Do you need help with the Google algorithm and the SEO?

Keeping up to date with changes in Google algorithm and the ranking trends is a very demanding job, and managing your business may not leave much time for that.

Fortunately, at Workana you’ll find experts in Inbound strategies and content creation according to SEO criteria. Start your project today and let some of our freelancers help you turn your digital content into a tool to attract more clients.

Find more tips in: Advantages of integrating freelancers into your content team

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We invite you to know Workana, the leading freelance marketplace. We’ve been working since 2012 to keep connecting companies and entrepreneurs with remote workers of the most diverse specialty areas.

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