What is On-Page SEO?

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On-Page SEO or In-Site SEO refers to the optimization actions for search engines that are organized internally on a website.

For a better understanding, let’s take the creation of a landing page with keywords (on page strategy) and compare it to the content backlinking on social networks and other pages (off page strategy, as it happens on sites other than ours).

In other words, on-page SEO is whatever can be optimized within a web domain to get better ranked in the search engines.

How is it done?

As it happens with the rest of SEO, it’s not just one specific strategy but a set of very diverse actions to increase quality, relevance and authoritativeness of a site. Some tips to improve on-page SEO are the following:

Optimization of keywords and headings

This means building good web semantics. That is, using several keywords that are interrelated and inserting them naturally in the text, instead of simply change the copy with the same repetitive keywords.

We also need to consider the importance of Long tail keywords as they are more specific, as well as the importance of headings (headings and subheadings) which provide answers to specific questions from the users.

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Clean code

This means having an HTML code with no elements to spare. “Junk code” elements usually do not affect the design or functionality of the web, but they do impact the SEO. Web editors such as WordPress allow quite a clean code, regardless of your programming skills. But if the site is to be designed from scratch, it’s necessary to count on an expert to check and clean up the code every once in a while.

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Valuable content

A website may be very powerful visually and have an impeccable code, but if it doesn’t add valuable content on a frequent basis it won’t have any chance to integrate enough related keywords so as to start competing with other websites.

Most companies solve this issue through a corporate blog or some other Inbound content creation strategy.

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URL’s and web structure

The way a website’s URLs accommodate and their names are key elements to grant the site navigability. Google values especially URL structures that are easy to understand and relate to others naturally and in a hierarchic fashion –in other words, URLs which enable an easy identification of content and the ranking of the page in the site.


It refers to the internal links of a site. That is, links which take you to another URL of the same domain. These are useful to facilitate navigability for the user and to increase the time spent on the site. They also help the search engine identify how the different pieces of content relate to one another.

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Audiovisual elements with labels

Google can interpret a text, but not the content of images and other audiovisual elements, such as infographics and videos –not yet at least. To tell the search engine what they are about, it is necessary to use HTML labels like Alt text or image description.

A site may have the best images, but if they are not optimized for SEO, they won’t contribute to a better ranking.

Meta descriptions

It’s the content description displayed below each Google result. They have no direct impact on the SEO, but if attractive, they promote other users to click on them, which will result in higher traffic of the page.

There are many other ways to improve the SEO of a site, like making the most of enriched texts, checking the loading speed, including responsive design, etc.

Who does the On-Page SEO?

There are digital marketing experts specialized in on-site SEO. They usually work along with web designers and copywriters, to grant that all web structure and content is aligned with Google quality criteria.

To learn more about On-Page SEO

The optimization for search engines is a long and fascinating topic which we cannot fully master as it evolves and gets updated on a daily basis. If you want to learn more about on page SEO, check the resources we’ve selected for you:

Do you need help with your SEO on page?

Whatever you need help with, either building an optimized site from scratch, or having a quick counseling, or a partner to check your positioning strategy on a monthly basis, at Workana you’ll find hundreds of freelancers expert in digital marketing and SEO who will be happy to help you exactly with what you need.

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