What is the editorial calendar?

The editorial calendar is a tool for content planning. In the context of digital marketing, it is often used to plan articles for the corporate blog on a monthly basis. What is an editorial calendar for? The editorial calendar helps

What is Buyer persona?

buyer personas

The Buyer persona is a fictional profile portraying in a customized, detailed fashion, the most important features of a typical client of a product or service. In other words, it describes a character that doesn’t exist but represents an ideal buyer

What is Escrow?

The Escrow Payment is a service through which a third party works as an economic liaison between a sales person and a buyer. In other words, when the buyer purchases a product or service, the money is held in deposit

What is Facebook Ads?

Facebook Ads refers to all the sponsored content that is displayed as advertising spots in the feed of the users’ social network. You must have seen them yourself as you’re scrolling this site: inserted in between the news of your

What is Churn Rate?

The Churn Rate o “Client dropout” is a marketing term which refers to the number of users that cancel a service. When this happens, clients get to the end of their LTV or lifetime value. The classic example is that

What is Clickbait?

The term Clickbait –literally, bait for clicks– refers to certain type of content that is distributed under a headline which creates high expectations, or which is defiant and seek to arouse the user’s curiosity or ghoulishness to click on the

What is Blockchain?

The Blockchain is a shared information technology formed by a database distributed in decentralized storage nodes that communicate with each other by means of a protocol of encrypted data. All the data operations on the database generate unchangeable records called

What is Keyword Stuffing?

Keyword stuffing, also called over-optimization of keywords, is a Black Hat SEO which tries to give relevance to a term by using it excessively inside a text. Many years ago, keyword stuffing was effective because Google bots were not able

What is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing is a business practice in which one company hires another company to provide external employees to perform an activity, instead of hiring them directly. In other words, these workers are legally employed by the service provider, and not by

What is the User Interface?

The user interface (UI) is the set of controls and sensory channels by which a user can communicate with a machine. For example, on a computer, the screen, the keyboard, and the speakers are part of the user interface because