What is Outbound Marketing?

outbound - inbound

Outbound Marketing is a concept that emerged as a contrast to the Inbound Marketing. It is used to refer to traditional marketing strategies that are left out of the Inbound philosophy.

We are all used to Outbound Marketing. So much that in general we don’t pay attention to it anymore. That’s why this type of strategies are usually striking and noisy, in an effort to call the audience’s attention.

Some characteristics in common with traditional marketing strategies:

  • The direct objective is sales
  • Contents aim at persuading but lack an added value
  • Communication is unidirectional
  • It is intrusive and unexpected

Examples of outbound marketing on the Internet

Most marketing that happens out of digital media fall in the Outbound category –for instance, radio spots, TV commercials and ads on the newspapers, big format posters on the street, advertising stands, etc. But there are also many cases of Outbound on the Internet:

All these share this fact –they transmit information the user wasn’t in search of to begin with.

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Differences between Inbound and Outbound

inbound marketing

The main differences between the two marketing types are the following:

Segmentation (quality) VS Massive contact

While in Inbound marketing there is a Buyer Persona to be persuaded in a very specific way, Outbound marketing tries to reach as many users as possible, even if they don’t actually meet the criteria of the target audience.

Non invasive VS Aggressive / Disruptive 

Inbound marketing is based on pulling prospects through active search and user permission, while Outbound advertising shows up without permission from users, often interrupting their navigation to call their attention.

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Focus on the user’s needs VS Focus on the brand or product

Inbound content is designed to solve a need of the user and to build a bond of trust with the brand. Outbound content displays the advantages of a product or a brand with the clear, immediate objective of achieving sales.

Sales funnel VS Direct sales

Inbound content is usually developed according to the Buyers Journey to accompany, inform or entertain the user along the sales funnel. Outbound content try to persuade more immediately, awakening interest and making an urgent call to action.

Which one is better for me? Inbound marketing or Outbound marketing?

Beyond its methodology, the final purpose of both is increasing sales. Although it’s been proven that Inbound is usually much more effective, this doesn’t mean that Outbound has been left in the past or is no longer useful.

Actually, the best marketing strategies are usually a combination of both approaches, making the most of each.

For instance, typically Outbound strategies such as ads on the Internet can be given an Inbound approach, properly segmenting the audience, as it happens with Google Adwords. Inbound content can also benefit from Outbound techniques, like when we promote a blog content through paid advertising on the social networks.

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Learn more about Outbound Marketing

In order to display a really successful strategy to boost your business, it is necessary to know and master both Inbound and Outbound marketing, as they are two sides of the same coin. Below you’ll find some learning resources for you to explore further:

Do you need help with your Outbound Marketing strategy?

Resorting to professionals will always be the smartest choice to boost your company growth. At Workana you’ll find thousands of freelancers specialized in marketing and sales, who will help you display a strategy combining the best of Inbound and of Outbound according to the needs of your business and your audience.

Learn more tips in: How and where to find a freelance digital-marketing-expert for your enterprise

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We invite you to know Workana, the leading freelance marketplace. We’ve been working since 2012 to keep connecting companies and entrepreneurs with remote workers of the most diverse specialty areas.

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